Sunday 24 November 2013

How soon is too soon...?

Let me make it clear from the start, I love Christmas. I love the bustle in the shops when I have the odd present to get. I love the lights and the music played all over the place. I love dark nights walking the dogs along the streets with the twinkling lights around people's homes. 

I accept it when our local pub had a Christmas scene in at the beginning of October in order to publicise their Christmas meals.

I accept it when the shops have their decorations up immediately after bonfire night (or in some cases before) as they have to make the best of the few weeks run up to Dec 25th.

But I'm sorry, it's just too early to be putting Christmas Trees up in homes before November has finished.

While out walking the dogs last night I passed 2 houses who have both got their trees fully decorated in their lounges. It was difficult not to notice the twinkling lights through the front windows in the night darkness. 

Sorry people, it's just too soon.

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