Sunday 2 January 2011

Difficult Times

It's always difficult to see good friends going through bad times. Over the last few years there's been a variety of situations that have tested my friends to the extreme.

And now, I have another friend going through an extremely difficult time. She was taken to hospital on Christmas Day and is being kept there until they can stabalise her condition and she is well enough to manage on her own. A consequence of this problem is her long term relationship has ended and when she is ready to come out of hospital she is reliant on friends for somewhere to live.

It is immensely difficult for me to see any of my friends having such traumatic times and knowing there is little I can do but try and be a good friend.

Anyone know of a good 'Guide to being a good friend' book?


Spanish Owner said...

I'm so sorry to hear a friend of yours is in hospital & will be needing her friends in order to cope when she gets out. One can only do so much even when it's not enough.

If you find that book DO let ME know. I believed I was such a friend myself but obviously was very deluded. :-(

Brindy said...

Maybe we should co-write one - a Dummies Guide to....